Game Tester Earn Money

It may seem like a dream job: Getting paid big bucks by tech companies to sit at home and play video games all day. Furthermore, there are online sites that say it’s entirely possible:

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Feb 28, 2021 A career as an online game tester is really challenging in the initial stage. You might find it difficult to get projects. And the projects won’t pay you high. But once you have successfully completed good number of projects, you can earn handsomely with this profession. On an average you can earn 5$-20$ per hour. Importantly, all of these jobs are paid between $26,343 (56.3%) and $43,142 (92.2%) more than the average Video Game Tester salary of $46,770. If you’re qualified, getting hired for one of these related Video Game Tester jobs may help you make more money than that of the average Video Game Tester position.

The BEST Ways To Make Some Quick Cash
  1. Opinion Outpost - The #1 survey site that doesn't suck. Short surveys, high payouts, simply the best.
  2. Survey Junkie - Test out new products and get paid to answer questions about them! Work with companies like Apple, Nike, and Amazon!
  3. Inbox Dollars - Get paid to check your email. $5 bonus just for signing up!
  4. Nielsen - Download their app and get paid $50!

But is it really that easy to find a job, and make money, as a video game tester?

The harsh reality of video gaming

It may seem like sitting home all day and playing all kinds of cool video games would be a dream come true. However, most video gamers don’t last very long, and here are three big reasons why:

You are doing the same task repeatedly. Imagine watching your favorite movie, but instead of watching it from start to finish, you must watch the same 30 seconds of it over and over and over. Why? Because your job depends upon you finding bugs or errors. Should you spot some kind of issue with your video game at level 3, for example, you will need to reproduce that error and catalog where/how/when it occurs. Some bugs don’t always repeat, which can be maddening when you’re trying to prove they exist.

You won’t get paid a lot, if ever. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the average salary earned by professional video gamers is about $50K/year. That sounds great, in theory…until you realize that these gamers have been gaming for years and years. Also, many gamers are programmers by trade, so they can not only spot a bug, but fix it.

In contrast, contracting and beginner video gamers earn $8-$10/hour. If they stick around a few years and prove their worth, their pay gets bumped up to about $14/hour.

You’ll rarely get to pick your gig. If you think you’ll be playing in-demand games like Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty, think again. Sure, it’s not an impossibility, but games like that are usually handed off to senior beta testers who can quickly run through the game objectives and even fix the errors as they pop up. You, meanwhile, may end up testing a children’s puzzle game.

Crunch time means having no life. In the product launch world, there is a period of time, right before launch, called “crunch time.” This period of time is characterized by developers and testers putting in 18 hour days, getting little sleep, and barely seeing their families. As a tester, you might be asked to run through several different scenarios or to catch X amount of bugs…and all before Tuesday. Get really comfortable with your couch or office chair because you won’t be leaving it for a while.

With those disclaimers aside, it can be really fun and exciting to be a part of the video game testing world. Sometimes, you’ll score free games on top of getting paid for your efforts. You’ll also have the chance to connect with developers, programmers, and other gaming enthusiasts.

So, which companies can you sign up with to increase your odds of becoming a video game tester?


This rather promising company offers off-site gamers the opportunity to play top-notch games that have huge budgets and tight deadlines via its Global Beta Test Network. New GBTN jobs are posted weekly, and the only real requirements for applying are that you are at least 18 years of age and own one or several game consoles.


Akin to sites like Monster or CareerBuilder, Volt is a recruiting firm that matches applicants with suitable jobs. However, Volt goes one step further and also helps you polish up your resume and submission materials. You can also just post your resume on this site and receive notifications of jobs that match your qualifications and experience.

Its job board is free to peruse, and the site often lists video game tester positions that are available for weekly (or longer) terms.


You might assume that this site is only for freelance writing gigs, but Upwork also offers a good amount of game testing jobs. A quick search of the site using the terms ‘game testing’ pulled up the following results:

These freelance jobs are a good way to find out if you enjoy being a gamer, or if you might like other aspects of gaming, such as writing the product specs, generating content, or even marketing the games.


This agency often works with developers to test games- which means that it occasionally needs off-site game testers. Check the site’s gaming area for more information.

A final note about scams…

Because at-home video gamer jobs appear to be the ideal way to make money by doing nothing, various scam sites have latched onto them as easy bait. As a result, if you do a Google search for video game tester jobs, prepare to be inundated with “opportunities,” like the one featured above. Such websites promise you up to $100/hour for playing video games, while other scam sites try to charge you money to “teach” you how to find such jobs. However, unless you locate a site that teaches you programming or debugging skills, it is a waste of your time and money.

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In the next 4 minutes I'm going to show you EXACTLY how you can MAKE MONEY playing the NEWEST video games WAY before they're even released!

Fellow Gamer,

If you spend just 3 hours a day playing video games, I'm going to show you how to have all your rent and bills take care of THEMSELVES while you have some serious fun playing the newest game titles BEFORE they even hit the stores!

This year ALONE, I've been paid a total of $71,560 by 24 different game development companies to TEST their newest releases without ever having to leave my couch!

As a video game tester, you get to point out mistakes while playing the game! What better way of jumping into the gaming industry than drinking a coke, sprawling out on your couch and playing out the NEWEST blockbuster hit - WHILE you get paid $20-$50 an hour to do it!

And that's just the start of it...

    GET PAID to test the NEWEST, MOST POPULAR releases from companies like Blizzard, CAPCOM, EA Games, Microsoft, Nintendo and more - months before anyone else!
    'WORK' FROM HOME and game as little or as much as you WANT - completely around your own schedule! The more games you play, the more you get paid!
    Pay your RENT and ALL YOUR BILLS by spending as much time gaming as you do now - only playing the newest games to be JUST developed!
    KEEP all the games you test! Imagine how much you can save on video game costs alone!
    GET ACCESS to all of the hidden cheat codes, level secrets and developer codes ONLY game testers ever find out about!
    Get REAL experience for FURTHER game industry careers! Ask any major game company for a job as a game developer or designer - and they'll ask you how many years you've spent testing their games!
    Get essential high-level CONNECTIONS. No level of education will get your foot in the door in the video game industry unless you 'know people'. If you're passionate about games - game testers network and make the best high-level private connections!
So How Does This All Work?

The video game industry has shot up like a rocket over the past few years.. it's not only a $50 billion a year business today, but it's one of the ONLY industries that was unaffected by the recession!

When you think about it - did the 'big, scary recession' stop you from buying any of your favourite games over the past 2 years? No? Me neither.

And what that means for you is a BIGGER and FATTER bank account as game companies make more and more games every year!

Every major game company is DESPERATELY looking for game testers with the increased demand for games today - and they want to pay you BIG BUCKS in return!

And if you're thinking..

'Why The Heck Would a Company Pay Me $50 an Hour To Sit Around and Play Games?'

The simple answer is - the companies think they're getting the better deal here!

It's not a secret that game developers make mistakes, and tons of them. You've probably played a game that was JUST released - or JUST had a major update; they always have glitches and bugs! And it only takes a single BAD article, blog post or forum post about a big glitch before the news spreads like wildfire, leaving the game company with MILLIONS in lost sales.

In the company's opinion, they'll make $50-80 MILLION from a bug-free successful video game - so paying some game testers a 'measly' $30-50 an hour to test the game and ensure a quality video game is a small price to pay!

That's why it's so easy for people like me and you to get paid big money for playing games all day long!

The 3 requirements you need to BECOME a game tester are:

  • You should be 15 or older in order to get paid for the gaming and testing.
  • You need either a computer you already play games on - or a console you'll prefer playing games on (Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4 etc).
  • You gotta love video games. That's an obvious one!

You don't need a degree in marketing or design to do this! Heck, you don't even need to finish high school!

Here's a list of commonly asked questions you're asked when you fill out your 'work assignment sheet'. I'll let you decide if these if you think these questions are tough.

  • What did you think of the main game menu? (if you liked the overall appearance, if it was easy to navigate, to enter and exit different modes, etc..)
  • How did you like Single-Player Campaign mode? What were your most and least favourite parts of the gameplay?
  • How did you like the multi-player mode? What were your favourite and least favourite game modes/features of the lobbies? Is there anything you'd change to make it easier/more comfortable to use?
  • What was your preferred mode - single-player or multi-player mode?
  • Are there any outstanding bugs/glitches you noticed?
  • What age group do you believe this game will appeal BEST to?
  • Overall, How did the game perform? (storyline, playability, graphics, replay value, etc...)
  • If there was anything you could add to the game to improve it (more zombies, more weapons, etc) - what would it be?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank the game overall?

If You Can Answer These Questions, You're Ready to Start GETTING PAID to Play Games All Day Long!

And speaking of getting paid...

Just How Much Money Does A Game Tester Start Making Right Away?

I cant tell you that you'll land a gig for $90/hour right off the bat. Building up to those kinds of hourly wages does require some previous experience...

But I can show you EXACTLY how you can start landing game testing jobs paying $25, $35, or $50 per hour RIGHT AWAY! The only question is...

How many hours a day do you play video games?

Assuming a $25/hour job - if you play games:

4 hours a day = 28 hours a week = $700 a week or $2800 a month!
6 hours a day = 42 hours a week = $1050 a week or $4200 a month!
8 hours a day = 56 hours a week = $1400 a week or $5600 a month!

Imagine making an extra $67,200 per year from the time you spend gaming right now!

That's how much you're missing out on today while blowing these hours playing video games every day and NOT BEING PAID FOR IT.

Finally Ready To Make Up For Lost $$$ And Start Getting PAID To Game?

There's just one problem.

You can't exactly knock on Blizzard's doors - and demand to test their newest release. ANY gamer would kill for this kind of opportunity - making game testing a very competitive field.

Odds are that you're clueless about the PROPER steps to take that land a job every single time. No idea who to contact, what to say, or how to convince them that YOU are the perfect person for the job...

Thousands of gamers send in applications every week - and even some of the top gamers I know today are still waiting for a letter that will never come... because they don't know the rules of the game!

Luckily for you - I have the cheat codes ;)

From the past 8 years of game testing, I've learned the GUARANTEED job formulas that have gotten me hired every time I wanted to test a game for the past 5 years. No joke - every single time!

'I Call It The 'Become A Game Tester Formula' And I Want To Share It With You!'

In the formula, I'll show you how to:

  • Create the perfect resume. There are a FEW MAJOR requirements that game companies look for in every application yet all applying gamers miss.. I'll show you how to cover each of these requirements to create the PERFECT resume the company is looking to hire every time!
  • Find game testing facilities NEAR YOU. As soon as you create the perfect resume - I'll show you exactly where to get started, whether you prefer working at the EA Games HQ, a local testing facility - or right from the comfort of your couch!
  • Contact the RIGHT people. If you call the company reception and ask for information on game testing for the company - you won't get anywhere. I'll give you insider information on contacting the Quality Assurance department who's IN CHARGE of hiring game testers - and what you need to say to get hired every time!
  • How to 'walk the walk' from day one. I'll teach you everything you need to know on how to perform in your game testing job. Act like a pro from the beginning - and the company will call YOU to test their next game - I guarantee it!

You'll also get:

  • FULL LIFETIME ACCESS to the Game Tester Job Search Database. This database is updated daily by major game companies EAGER to find more testers! You'll be notified via email EVERY TIME a new testing job is available so you get a crack at it first!
  • My full 150+ and growing company contact list - the GOLDEN directory to getting game testing gigs with a single phone call!
  • Fast and Reliable email support! All your questions will be answered within 24 hours to ensure you never have to wait for an answer!

You'll get everything you need in order to be getting paid to test your first game next week!

What Some Gamers Say About The
'Become A Game Tester Formula'
Game Tester Earn MoneyMoney
“I got accepted for my first gig in 6 days flat!!”
Ever since I landed my first gig as a game tester for Bli***rd and got paid $2,648.00 for 2 weeks of gaming on my couch - I've never been able to go back to a 9 - 5 job again!
I read your guide, followed the steps and got accepted for my first gig in 6 days flat!! Seriously, dude, you were right about the 'perfect resume' in your formula - it did EVERYTHING FOR ME :)
Thanks and all the best!!
Matthew Roberts, Queensland, Australia
“Nothing else will explain the how-tos BETTER or
get you hired FASTER...”
When I started game testing in '04, it was MUCH harder to get into the industry. Companies didn't have independent game testers, and I had to get all the cuts and bruises learning about the industry the hard way, just like you did.
It was extremely refreshing to find a guide that covers every detail in how to get hired 10/10 times. Heck - I picked up a few tips in productivity and how to get companies to start calling ME to test their games.. Simply amazing!
This guide is ESSENTIAL if you want to quit f**king around and start getting paid to play games NOW. Nothing else will explain the how-tos BETTER or get your hired FASTER!
- Minnesota, USA
“I actually saved liked 1800 bucks
on games so far!!”
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you! I read your guide, followed the steps and got 3 job offers in the first 4 weeks - ONE FROM Ni****do!!!!
This job kicks so much ass - I can't believe my gaming addiction is PAYING my rent and bills!
PLUS I always get to keep the games - I actually saved liked 1800 bucks on games so far!!
Thankyou so much!!
Lloyd Fischer, Windsor, Ontario Canada

Claim Your Lifetime Membership At 70% OFF Right This Minute!

You'll Be Testing Games For The Biggest Heavy Hitters In The Industry!
Here are some ACTUAL games that you could have been paid to test a while ago:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Batman: Arkham Knight


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Persona 5

You'll be testing games for companies like:

You're Just 1 Minute Away From Getting An Endless Supply Of The Most Popular Xbox One, PS4 and PC Games Constantly Flowing Into Your Mailbox!

Start Getting Paid To Game All Day Long!

Here's a preview of what you'll find in our daily-updated members area:

  • Daily email updates of the newest game testing jobs available - right in your email box!
  • My personal compiled list of 154 game development companies - EVERY ONE of them in constant need of new game testers every day!
  • Step-by-step lessons, guides and action plans to teach you how to become a real tester by next week!
  • The BIG SECRET to getting hired for any testing job, even if you don't have any experience and are not 18 years old.
  • The action-plan formulas designed to get you your first game testing job paying $15-30 per hour inside of a week!
  • How to get yourself into the perfect 'game tester mindset' and score the job every time!
  • How to get THE NEWEST RELEASES mailed straight to you - even if they're not coming out for months!
  • Comprehensive list of the major qualities every company is DESPERATELY SEEKING in its testers! (Even if they publically deny it - they'll hire you based on WHATS IN THIS LIST)
  • How to use your creative input to help MOLD and CHANGE the newest release that you're testing!
  • ALL the major warning signs that the job you're chasing is BAD NEWS and that you should abandon it ASAP!
  • All the 'RED ALERT' topics you should NEVER go into during your interview - and how to avoid them!
  • One SECRET fact about WHY companies need game testers so desperately today - and how you can use it to get hired 100% of the time!
  • A guide to 'talking the talk' - what the major concerns of the developer interviewing you are - and what to say to them to make YOU stand out from EVERY other gamer.
  • All this just a taste of what you'll learn in our members area...

Get FULL ACCESS To The Members Area NOW!!

'But Matthew, What If This Formula DOESN'T Help Me Become A Game Tester?'

If you're STILL unsure whether my formula can help you get your first game testing gig - I hear ya.

No matter if this is your first attempt to become a game tester, or if you've tried and failed before... you NEED to land your first tester gig before it all finally 'feels real'.

You need to EXPERIENCE picking up brand-new games and fat pay checks out of your mailbox every week.

Or waking up every morning and knowing that you're going to spend the day 'paying the bills' doing something you TOTALLY LOVE!

There's no other way to know.

I know my formula will teach you the ins and outs of game testing and land your first game testing job EASILY. I'm sure of that.

I also know that as soon as you do get your first gig - you'll make back the cost of the formula and its lessons SEVERAL TIMES OVER in just the first day!!

'Do you live outside the United States? No Problem!'

You get the same exact service, for the same exact price! Check out just a portion of the 150+ countries we work with below:

Start Getting PAID For The Hours You Spend Gaming NOW!

“N**oft gonna pay me $21.25 an hour...
I'm only 16!”
Hey Matthew - just wanted to email you and tell you I got my first game testing job all thanks to you!!
It only took 2 weeks - and N**oft gonna pay me $21.25 an hour to test :D
I can't believe Im only 16 and making ALMOST AS MUCH as my mum!! I can't wait to start doing this all the time, screw high school!!!
You're the beeest!
Steve Lakey, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Don't Waste Another Day Of Gaming Without Being Paid For It!

You have a pretty important decision to make right now... where do you want to be in a MONTH FROM NOW?

Game tester earn money online

Do you want to wake up every morning to find sick new games and fat paychecks in your mailbox? Knowing that you get to spend the day 'paying the bills' doing something you totally love?

Or do you want to continue being harassed and ridiculed for 'spending too much time on those stupid little games' and 'going nowhere in life' by everyone you know?


Seems like a pretty easy choice if you think about it :)

Get Started RIGHT NOW!!

Game Tester Earn Money Fast

Yes Matthew I'm Ready To Start GETTING PAID To Play Games And Get TONS Of The Hottest New Releases - ALL For The Price Of Half A Game!!

I understand that I'm getting full lifetime access to ALL of the guides, step-by-step tutorials and daily-updated databases - compiled over the past 8 years of PURE game testing experience.

I understand that I'm going to save $1000s on video games alone - since I get to KEEP all the games I'll be testing for the companies!

Special Limited Holiday Price:

(Price Guaranteed Before Midnight)

A membership to Become A Game Tester can be ordered anytime! Even if it is 2 a.m., you will still be able to receive instant access

This is a one-time fee only. You will never be re-billed.

Your online order is protected by 256-bit encryption making it 100% secure.

Don't 'work' too hard!

P.S. If you're ready to start getting paid for all the time you spend gaming - learn how you can get your first game testing gig by next week! Get access now!

Game Tester Free

3 days ago I received my first game to test, pretty darn awesome. Not the coolest Xbox One game, but what the heck I'm getting paid.
To be honest I really thought this was a scam, but I did it anyways and it is awesome.
Thanks guys
Tom Bekker, Leiden, The Netherlands


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